Shunde Empire Furniture

We never followed trends, but set them - The Empire is the choice of Elite!

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Southeast Asian


东南亚豪华风格是一种结合了东南亚民族岛屿特色及精致文化品位的家居设计方式,多适宜喜欢静谧与雅致、奔放与脱俗的 装修业主。这是一个北京新兴的居住与休闲相结合的概念,广泛地运用木材和其他的天然原材料,如藤条、竹子、石材、青铜和黄铜,深木色的家具,局部采用一些金色的壁纸、丝绸质感的布料,灯光的变化体现了稳重及豪华感。东南亚风格的家居设计以其来自热带雨林的自然之美和浓郁的民族特色风靡世界,尤其在气候之接近的珠三角地区更是受到热烈追捧东南亚式的设计风格之所以如此流行,正是因为它独有的魅力和热带风情而备受人们推崇与喜爱。原汁原味,注重手工工艺而拒绝同质的乏味,在盛夏给人们带来南亚风雅的气息。

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Our Four Showrooms

Royal, Noble, Modern and Pricerite - cover a total area of thousands square meters

located in the central of the middle axis in Lecong town-the biggest furniture wholesale center, capital of China furniture business, From its inception, has been the extension frontier territory in art and innovation, persistent practice "the world furniture master" entrepreneurial ambition, twenty-one years ingenuity, become the first brand of Lecong furniture market.