Shunde Empire Furniture

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Views: 10947Posttime : 2017-01-02 01:48:24

 * 搬运家具时,应搬出柜内衣物,将门、抽屉封闭,以免家具倾斜,部件滑落伤人,搬动时切忌硬拖猛推,以免榫头松动、断裂。

* 即使家具有完好的外包装,搬运时也应轻拿轻放,已组装好的大件家具需再次搬运时,应请专业人员进行拆装。重新安装时,应在家具放置后,对门和抽屉等适当调整,保持正常使用状态。

* 搬运玻璃或石头面板的家具时,不可只抬起玻璃或石头面板,应从玻璃、石头连接底板的底部或者家具的实木裙边底部抬起,尽可能平稳移动,以免受力不均造成玻璃、石头面板的损坏或碎裂。

* 石面家具在低于-4°温度下容易产生爆裂现象,建议石面家具到寒冷气温下先摆放室内3-5天后才打开包装,避免因冷暖温差大而产生爆裂现象。

* 如长时间不使用家具或贮存时,应以防尘、防火材料包装覆罩并存放于干燥通风的室内。







Our Four Showrooms

Royal, Noble, Modern and Pricerite - cover a total area of thousands square meters

located in the central of the middle axis in Lecong town-the biggest furniture wholesale center, capital of China furniture business, From its inception, has been the extension frontier territory in art and innovation, persistent practice "the world furniture master" entrepreneurial ambition, twenty-one years ingenuity, become the first brand of Lecong furniture market.